Archive for the ‘Aircraft Wings’ Category

by CherryPoint When airliners crash often many people die, and depending on the angle of impact sometimes there are no survivors, some aerospace engineers believe the real problem is in the way aircraft are designed, that is to say fuel inside the belly or fuselage. The long tubular design is also problematic, as it tends   Read More …

Categories: Aircraft Wings

by CherryPoint This aviation sports event attracted many aircrafts and helicopters manufacturers for both military and general aviation as below find the real story, SKA Takes Off With Fokker 70 Dubai based SKA Air Logistics took delivery of a Fokker 70 at AAD from Fokker Services which it will use on services in the Middle   Read More …

Categories: Aircraft Wings

by CherryPoint Airlines spend millions of dollars per year inspecting their aircraft and making sure they are safe, not only to prevent accidents damaging their costly equipment and to save lives, but also because Federal Aviation Administration Regulations (FARs) requires it. This means mechanics must pull inspection panels on the fuselage, and wings of the   Read More …

Categories: Aircraft Wings

Think back to the last time you traveled somewhere on a plane. Do you remember what you thought about? Most likely, you hoped the flight would take off on time. You probably thought about the weather at your final destination. Also, you may have wondered what sort of refreshments would be offered in-flight. What you   Read More …

Categories: Aircraft Wings

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