One often quoted target of virtually every business is the maximisation of efficiency. Maximised efficiency can be either economic, productive or making the maximum use of all available resources. It must be noted, however, that it is easier for some businesses and industries to achieve greater efficiency than in others (such as the power production, aerospace and maritime industries). These aforementioned industries are often criticised for the supposedly considerable amount of damage they do to the environment as a result of using large amounts of scarce resources (such as the fossil fuels coal and natural gas) and producing a considerable amount of greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrous oxides). It is for this reason that the businesses within these industries are able to increase productive efficiency with the same amount of resources as before. One very simple way of achieving this aim is through the cleaning of engines, gas turbines and compressors. When an engine or a gas turbine is regularly cleaned, it reduces the likelihood of erosion, thereby allowing the turbine or engine to perform at a considerably more productive level. There are thankfully a large range of products specifically designed for the regular cleaning of turbines and engines, some of which are endorsed officially by large organisations such as the Ministry of Defence. It has been discovered that the use of such cleaning products help to prevent corrosion and can also deal with salt fouling and the prevention of such fouling ensures that military search and rescue helicopters are available on demand. Also, the fact that the use of such cleaning products prevents corrosion typically result in a saving of £7000 per 1000 hours of flying, resulting in considerable savings being made in the long run. This is because (in the case of military search and rescue aircraft), the engines had to be immediately washed prior to take off in order to remove any previously applied corrosion inhibitors. Many other aerospace operators have also discovered that through the use of such cleaning products, during the cleaning of jet engines, results in the engines producing maximum thrust as well as producing minimum emissions and the highest possible fuel economy. This can potentially produce considerable savings being experienced by businesses using such products, meaning that they could make greater reinvestments back into the firm. Site engineers at power plants also state that using these cleaners maximise productive efficiency rates. Reason is as they allow gas turbines to work at maximum output and efficiency.

Natalie Eastaugh is the Internet Marketing Specialist for If you would like to get more information on compressor cleaner in addition to information about Zok, go to

Categories: Aircraft Turbines

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