A spoiler designed to add style, drag and lift. This auto part takes airflow and stops it from tumbling and slowing down the car. With a spoiler you do not have to deal with drag that is caused by air. Drag can noticeably slow down a cars speed. As well as being a help to maintain high speeds, spoilers prevent lift. Lift is what makes a car become airborne. Spoilers stop the car from losing traction to the road as they are designed after an upside down airplane wing. You can notice that many cars are made with spoiler and non spoiler editions. They were later added to cars who were seen to be unstable at higher speeds. 

As stated previously, wings are just like and upside down airplane wing. If you have ever noticed many wings are very large on some high speed sports cars, they are designed like this to catch as much air as possible. Some wings you can buy are also adjustable. This means that you can change the amount of drag your car has for different types of situations. This wings are usually more expensive, mainly used by professionals but they are extremely handy.

To add a wing onto any car you must make a careful decision.  If you change your mind on the size and style once a wing is already installed you may run into problems. To have a wing attached to your car, unless there are already holes in place you will need to drill them. Most people do not have experience doing this so you would need to bring it in to a specialist to get it done.

Jonathan has a passion for computers, Search Engine Optimization, and Internet Marketing. Visit his site at http://www.bedrailsfortoddlers.com/ which helps people find bed rails for toddlers and information about bed rails for toddlers.

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