Visual inspection for aeroplanes is among the oldest and commonest form of NDI (non destructive scrutiny) procedures. Nearly four-fifths of NDI methods are completed through direct optic inspection. This verify up procedure is greatly augmented by use of instruments such as video boroscopes, tape scanners, magnifying instruments and light sources.

ocular ensure up constituting checking for cracks, corrosions, solder joints, welding, adhesive bonding, and surface finish is an inseparable part of airliner maintenance. ocular going over methods are extensively used as a verification step for defects detected by using different non-destructive technologies. opthalmic aids such as magnifying instruments, video borescopes, flashlights, and confirm mirrors, are as simple aids of optical scrutiny.

Flashlights – Flashlights for optical examination are done by depending upon their beam spread, rating of explosive atmosphere, foot-candle ranking, brightness, power supply type, and recharging time.

Borescope – These optic instruments are precision in nature allowing ocular test of areas inaccessible to humans or human eyes. A borescope is fitted with a tube, either flexible or rigid, of varied diameters and lengths. These are typically used in aircraft engine assessment, particularly hidden areas such as turbine. Video recorder borescopes are also used for examination of combustion cans, seal fitments, gasket packing, and bonding of sub-assemblies. Borescopes are also being used in detecting and retrieving FOD (foreign object damage) from plane body, power plants, and airframe.

Magnifiers and inspection mirrors – check mirrors and magnifiers are customarily used for ocular check up of jet body and other exposed areas.

Visual Inspection Procedures

An expert in aircraft maintenance must be thorough with optical prove procedures.

His eyes should be trained to detect common corrosions and abrasions of body and engine even at first glance.

Elementary of Preliminary Inspection – In preliminary aeroplane engine inspection an inspector would be looking for general cleanliness, missing or deformed fasteners, foreign object detection, and damage or corrosion of parts. For concealed areas the use of optical aids are recommended.

Corrosion treatment – If any corrosion is detected during visual going over its treatment becomes mandatory. Metal corrosions are best detected by ultrasonic ensure up methods, testing for eddy currents, and radiographic methods.

Lighting – Adequate lighting is essential for treating any corroded area.

Noise level – Noise levels must be kept at a minimum as it helps in concentrating. plane engine check needs high concentration and should be done in a quiet environment.

Access to assessment area – Convenience of access to affected area is a crucial aspect in optical scrutiny. Improper access could lead to wrong detection of faults and discontinuities. An inspector should always be equipped with flashlights, mirrors, magnifiers, and borescopes.

Personal comfort – Personal comfort of an inspector is vital while carrying out ocular confirm. Discomfort could lead to overlooking of faults and drastic consequences.

Pre-cleaning – Contaminates and grime need to be removes before carrying out ocular examination and aeroplane maintenance. However care must be taken of not removing protective paint, enamel of other coatings.

Mark Jones is a freelance author who has vast knowledge in video borescopes and aircraft engine inspection. For more information on aircraft maintenance please visit us at:

Categories: Aircraft Turbines

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