Aircraft flaps
by caribb

Cleaning aircraft is quite a bit different than washing other types of things, and if you use a pressure washer there are some things you need to be cognizant about; for instance, spraying directly onto the Plexiglas of small light aircraft, as often there are bird droppings that need to come off, and a pressure washer works well for that.

First, understand that there is a big difference between front windows or windscreens on an aircraft and the side windows. Obviously, it is okay to spray directly at a front windscreen because aircraft fly through the rain at speeds well in excess of 100 knots. But, I recommend when using a pressure washer to stay back about 18-inches or more.

Secondly, I do not recommend spraying side windows directly because they often leak, instead stray above the window, and allow the water to roll down them and make them wet and get off most of the particulate, then use window cleaner.

Do you use regular glass cleaner?

Depends on surface; Mirror Glaze for Plexiglas, and they make some very cool and exotic window cleaners that are recommended for aircraft class. Glass panel displays, you must use the special computer screen cleaners only.

What else do you have to avoid spraying direct pressure on?

Do not directly spray pressured water onto Landing gear, or in the flap tracks, as you will dissolve the “O-rings” and can cause problems with lubrication, this is extremely problematic. Also, don’t spray into pitot tube, or static ports, be wise. You should turn your pressure washer down to 2200 or even better yet 1500 psi anyway and stay 1 foot to 18 inches back.

Lance Winslow likes to help people with DIY advice and believes if you get into a pickle you need to call someone that knows how to do it right; phone providers. But call someone you need a calling plan;

Categories: Aircraft Flaps

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