Whatever the fuel source, a heat only boiler guarantees efficiency in a package that takes up less space in your home than any other boiler product, given that it does not require storage space within. Heat only boilers dont store, they flow, their limited functionality in the provsion of limitless heat means also that there is reduced potential for malfunction, and a limiting of potential maintainance costs on your part.

Heat only boilers are useful as a direct replacement for your old boiler, they meet the new building code energy saving standards, and are a flexible alternative to the combi boiler, felxible in the freedom of location placement their diminished size offers to you, with the added plus that only what is used is heated, no waste of fuel and heat, in an instant for your home.
Digital displays will keep you in control of temperature output, heat only boilers are more user friendly and friendlier to the environment than heating devices which store hot water at a constant. Heat only boilers  provide their heat to you through an open vent system where the water is drawn from your cold water tank and other sources, allowing for multiple water sources and zero loss of water flow to you in the interim.
Whilst the heat only boiler is small in scale, it is the boiler that is more suitable to those premises that demand superior hot water output, such as homes to large families or business premises where there is more than one bathroom. There are two key drawbacks to the heat only boiler. These are, whilst the heating will be provided almost instantaneously, given the limited storage ability of the heat only boiler,  with continued use there will be a brief waiting period for the cylinder to refill with hot water once the supply has been exhausted. So too the fitting of this system of boiler is more labour intensive than other systems that are commonly used today, and can be acquired at www.boilers-sale.co.uk.
On the positive side, they are easily backed up, and in themselves provide a solid back up to the immersion. Heat with high water flow rates consistently, there to meet the demands of your family or customers. Heat only boilers provide the heat to the radiators directly, and at the same time provide hot water to the taps. In spite of the need for additions to the heat only boiler in order to provide an effective heating system in your home, such as the acquisition of a hot water cyclinder, their versatility in spite of their simplicity, and their ability to provide the necessary output for even the most hot water demanding premises, makes the heat only boiler the boiler of choice for those that need more.

For more details about heat only boiler you can visit here:- http://www.boilers-sale.co.uk/heat-only-boilers/

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