Military helicopter picks up sandbags in Dakota Dunes, South Dakota
Military helicopter
Image by USACE HQ
SOUTH DAKOTA — A military helicopter picks up sandbags near Dakota Dunes, S.D., June 4, 2011. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo by Maggie Oldham)

Officials: Gunmen down military helicopter during clashes in central Iraq
Two intelligence officers and a military official say the helicopter was shot down while it was providing aerial support to troops on the ground during a gunbattle Wednesday with militants outside the city of Tikrit, 130 kilometers (80 miles) north of …
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Iraqi army helicopter shot down in clashes with insurgents
Despite denials from defense ministry of the downing of a second helicopter, a military source in the Salah Al-Din Province said an Iraqi army helicopter was forced to land after being hit by insurgent gunfire during a security operation north of …
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Army advances helicopter replacement
Under "technology investment agreements" that the Army's Aviation and Missile Research, Development & Engineering Center awarded to AVX Aircraft, Bell Helicopter Textron, Karem Aircraft and Sikorsky Aircraft, the Army and the companies will all …

Categories: Military Helicopter

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