Russia Gets The Gunship Revolution
Russia is replacing its 250 Mi-24 helicopter gunships with 300 Mi-28s. The Mi-28N is a much more complex aircraft than the Mi-24 and requires more skillful and better trained pilots. To deal with this problem the Russian Air Force recently ordered 60 …
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Taliban inflicted biggest loss of US aircraft since Vietnam at Camp Bastion
Facing an enemy armed with guns, rockets and grenades, soldiers managed to hold out for 16 minutes before reinforcements came to their aid. Helicopter gunships joined the fight against the insurgents, in what became a battle that would rage for five hours.
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Air Conflicts: Vietnam Trailer Released
Pilot and customize more than 20 planes and – for the first time in the Air Conflict series – helicopters, including the workhorse UH-1 Iroquois, fire-breathing AH-1 Cobra attack gunships, the devastating F4 Phantom and F104 Starfighter jets, plus …
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