One of the most exciting hobbies that is inexpensive and very exciting is radio controlled airplanes. The interest and feelings involved of becoming proficient at controlling your own airplane exceeds most pilot’s expectations. Many enthusiasts become dedicated to enhancing their skills and are more than willing to help novice fliers get started on their own. Radio controlled airplanes are helping people get outside, meet new people and giving them an avenue to pursue self-awareness. Talk to any radio controlled airplane club member and you will soon discover the passion that they have for this hobby.

The best way to get started is to get a trainer airplane. The ultimate way to start is to get the radio controlled airplane along with a simulator program for your computer. By using the controller (the box with “sticks” that manipulate all of the functions of the airplane via radio signal) in conjunction with your computer, you can “fly” your aircraft without the fear of crashing it several times before you master the skills necessary for proficient flight. This will save you a lot of money on your first purchase.

The next thing you need to decide is with which type of radio controlled airplane you want to start off. The best option is the brushless trainer aircraft. These are well constructed and have the advantage of minimum set-up but provide considerable power with use of the NiCD battery. This is a new age battery that delivers a lot of power that does not diminish as it discharges. Along with the plastic and foam construction, they give the added benefit of being more forgiving when coming abruptly to a stop on the ground.

Next you need to decide the type of aircraft; high wing or high lift.

Both of these are suitable to the novice pilot. The high wing configuration of a radio controlled airplane is considered the standard for beginners. With the wings on the top of the fuselage (the largest contributor to weight) causes this weight to hang under the wing. This maintains stability throughout flight as it is cantered and balanced on the underside of the wing.

The high lift wing is also an excellent choice for novice pilots. The high lift wing is designed for maximum lift which results in extended glide time and slower possible speeds. On a flat-bottomed wing (high lift), the air going over the wing must travel farther than the air going under the wing. This produces much more lift than a proportioned (symmetrical) wing. More lift allows the airplane to fly much more slowly giving the beginner more time to make adjustments.

At Flying Contraptions, we specialize in Ready-To-Fly for the novice and intermediate pilot. All of our aircraft are radio controlled (RC) with all of the basic parts needed to start this exciting hobby. Browse our products and discover what is best for you and we will get you the radio controlled airplane of your wishes.

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