Aircraft turbines
by wbaiv

Blade is the most central and critical aircraft engine parts, manufacturing is the engine of its focus and difficulty of manufacture, so often hailed as the “heart of the heart.” Zhang Fei is China Aviation Industry Guizhou Xinyi Machinery Factory’s chief engineer, under his leadership, the new Arts Factory engine blade manufacturing capabilities from turbojet to turbofan, thrust from small to large thrust, from the second generation to third generation machine “three leaps” for our aircraft engine made a tremendous contribution.

Arts Factory is a new aviation industry in China during the formation of large-scale construction of three lines of aviation turbine blade manufacturers. In 1987, Zhang and flying graduate to the new Arts Factory, one thousand is more than 20 years. In the meantime, with his weapons and equipment to boost the aviation industry enthusiastically and assiduously technology, starting from the technician position, step by step. June 2003, Zhang and fly from the new Arts Factory casting factory technology was promoted chief engineer, deputy director. In his view, the engine business issues to consider far more than engineering itself must be the front line first-hand information, to avoid making mistakes. Therefore, he always had four or five days a week at the production site, to resolve many difficult problems.

General Zhang Fei said, “Learning technology can take no elevator, only stairs on their own.” It is this belief, supported his never-ending quest for knowledge footsteps.

To ensure the development of new aircraft scheduled to be completed node, Zhang Fei go all out. As a model head, the development of every task he is personally involved in organizing the implementation. He organized professional models and production units in charge of technical personnel, on trial in every part, a detailed discussion of each program to determine the final implementation. In the trial process, he always insisted on the production line, timely coordination and handling of various on-site technical issues. He presided over the positive declaration of the provincial scientific research projects, and actively promote the plant technology innovation system, and vigorously promote informatization construction. All of these are new Art Factory driven manufacturing technology innovation and development of leaves.

Zhang Fei always remember training of personnel. He often said, “The success of technological innovation, and innovation effectiveness, fundamentally depends on the talent, especially talent. So my mission have two, one is engaged in technology, one is a talent.” He proposed to develop models for the traction blade manufacturing technology development, scientific research achievements into productive forces should be to lead the attention, respect knowledge, respect talent, the implementation of “production, study and research,” three combinations, “leadership, technical personnel, workers” three combinations, “Design, materials, process” should be combined. To this end, he participated in the development of the factory “Eleventh Five” human resource planning, factory technical experts, experts in the assessment of management practices, promote and facilitate the plant’s first Master of Engineering course, commissioned by Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has trained 18 Master of Engineering.

With international advanced level, to accelerate the advanced development of China-made engines, radical aircraft “heart attack” is imminent. Zhang Fei has not remember the full consolidation of the third generation of aviation turbine blade manufacturing technology, the fourth generation of aircraft engine blades to grasp the key manufacturing technology, he and his team at work how many sleepless nights spent on site; to demonstrate program , how much information they have read, after the number of tests.

2009 10 1st, when the 151 compiled 12 domestic air echelon fighters, seconds m not bad to over Tiananmen Square, Zhang and Fei tears. Many refer to the aircraft’s engines are fitted with a new model of arts production plants leaves, the crystallization of the wisdom and sweat of new artists.

From 2002 to 2009, Chang Fei has tem Indonesia, Thailand 1, second prize two times, third place 2; awarded merit of first-level 1, second class 1 second, third class 1. As a fifth province of management experts in Guizhou Province, Guizhou Province, he has won the “May 1st” Labor Medal, “Defense Industry in Guizhou Province ’15’ Technology Management Advanced Individual”, “technical innovation excellent manager”, etc .

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Categories: Aircraft Turbines

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