If you’ve ever flown remote control airplanes, you know how much fun it is. However, have you ever tried to put them together? Remote-controlled or RC ARF (almost ready to fly) airplanes are as much fun to put together as they are to fly.

RC ARF airplanes are available as models, and they’re lightweight. You can generally get a kit for about $ 75, or an almost ready to fly (ARF) plane for $ 110. The $ 110 ARF planes’ kits are usually not complete, and you’ll still have to buy fuel tubing, wheel covers, gas tanks, wheels, covering material, and adhesives. A good kit will tell you what you need to complete the job, and these are well put together and full size.

Building RC ARF planes: The advantages

What’s fun about RC ARF planes is that you will get a better plane built exactly as you want it. The parts are higher quality, and you’ll be paying more than you would for a ready built plane, but the parts are also reusable so that you can use them for your next plane or you can resell them as you want to.

Good kits are generally pretty easy to handle even for beginners, with good instructions and manuals included. You’ll generally have to get some parts, as stated previously, although some kits come with everything. You may have to get a separate servos, transmitter, receiver, and battery, for example, depending on the kit you get.

These kits are great, though, because with these RC ARF airplanes, you know exactly what you’re getting; as you go, you can also reuse parts from previous planes; you’ll have plenty of those once you get going on this hobby. If you’re not sure how to do this at the start, get some help from an expert, because you will need to know at least something about RC model building to do a good job.

RC ARF planes: The disadvantages

There really are no disadvantages to building RC ARF planes, with the exception that they’re more expensive than kit planes; although ready to fly planes may seem like a better bet especially if you’re a beginner, the fun of putting together your own RC ARF planes means you can do more of what you want, you can reuse parts, and you’ll get a better plane that’s customized exactly as you want it.

Tools required

RC ARF planes are almost completely assembled, but you’ll need some epoxy to join the wing halves, and then you’ll need to install the radio gear in the engine as well as the landing gear. You will also need to fit the tail pieces into precut slots. It will take you about 10 hours to do the entire job.

For more information

For more information on tools needed to build ARF planes, again, make sure you consult an experienced builder and flyer. To do that, look for RC airplane and helicopter clubs in your area; these clubs host RC enthusiasts, and you’ll find plenty of enthusiastic help and experience to guide you in your own RC ARF planes’ building and flying.

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The sights and SOUNDS of the Reno Air Race Unlimiteds.A good time was had by all…especially Mustang fans!!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Categories: Racing Airplanes

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