Some of us have always wanted to fly. Do you remember the exhilaration of experiencing a take-off for the first time as a passenger? The sound of a powerful jet engine streaking across the sky is enough to make us stop what we are doing and look up. But unless you have served in the Navy, you will need to go to pilot school before getting a pilot license.

Before you enroll in a certification program, you will be required to complete a physical examination. Pilots must have 20/20 vision without wearing glasses, and they cannot be colorblind, as being able to distinguish different colors of lights on the runway is critical. Pilots must also have a clean bill of health.

A four-year degree at a pilot school can be completed either online or in a classroom setting. After completing your degree, you can go on to receive your certification. Pilot licenses vary depending on the kind of pilot you wish to become, such as a commercial pilot, an airline transport pilot, a helicopter pilot or a flight instructor. Pilot licenses are very specific because flying different kinds of aircraft requires different skill sets, and there are varying requirements for each. For example, flying a large commercial airliner is a very different experience than shipping air cargo, and manning a helicopter is very different than flying a private plane.

Each pilot license requires a minimum number of hours of flying before your final check flight, where an instructor will fly with you to evaluate your skills. A private pilot certificate requires a minimum of 40 hours of flight. A commercial pilot certificate requires 250 hours of flight time including 20 hours with an instructor and 10 hours of solo flying. The highest level of certification available, an airline transport pilot (ATP) certificate, requires 1,500 hours of flight time.

If you are serious about making a career as pilot, be cautious about pursuing fields that won’t pay you well to start. As a commercial pilot, you will be able to earn a healthy salary once you have received your certification. Many pilot schools offer commercial pilot license certification, but some do not. Once they gain experience, many commercial pilots go on to receive their ATP certification, which will authorize them to carry up to 12,500 pounds. Pilots with this level of training become captains for commercial airline companies, although some work for private airlines.

Flight instructors often have a commercial or ATP pilot license. In addition, they must complete a flight instructor certification program, which requires of a minimum of 20 hours of training.

Obtaining a pilot license requires attending a different kind of school than a traditional university. However, being a pilot is a very rewarding career that will put you in the cockpit of some very powerful aircraft and allow you to visit many places the world.

Giselle Rogers is a staff writer for North Orion. She specializes in education and career research.

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