Located 700 kilometres North of Adelaide Lake Eyre is the lowest point in Australia at 15 metres below sea level, the lake is rarely filled to capacity but when it does it becomes the largest lake in Australia and one of the largest in the world.
When full the Lake supports a plethora of Bird life and nature lovers from all over the world descend upon the Lake Eyre basin to witness these rare events. 
When full Lake Eyre covers an area of over 9000 square kilometres, the lake rarely fills though but in the last three years it has partially filled each year with this years Queensland floods sending downs millions of cubic metres of water.
Helicopters are very safe aircraft in which to fly and offer far superior visibility than an aeroplane. In the event of an engine failure a aeroplane must find a large open area on which to land whereas a Helicopter can infact glide down to a controlled landing( despite the misconception that a Helicopter simply falls out of the sky in an emergency) with zero forward airspeed so only needs the same amount of room as its footprint.
When looking for a Helicopter company to take a Scenic Flight with look for a company that is professional  in all aspects of its operation, if a company doesn’t look professional from the outside imagine what it looks like from the inside!. This should be easy enough as there are various Helicopter Operators flying arounf Lake Eyre during the season.
Helicopter Flights generally operate over the region between the months of May and November but this year due to the larger amount of water than usual flights will be operating throughout the year.
Take the oppotunity to view one of Australia’s best kept secrets, not only is it one of the most spectacular sights in Australia but it is constantly changing and hasn’t been as full as it is today for over one hundred years and may not fill to current levels for another hundred or more!

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