Check out these Gunships images:

“Arky” Skylighter Gunship by Joz
Image by Joriel “Joz” Jimenez
The "Arky" Skylighter Gunship was commissioned and built to provide the Commonwealth Peace Keeping Forces with battlefront support and superiority. Its design characteristics clearly show it’s relation to earlier Jozcorp productions incorporating structural profile, stability, armour and armament

In campaign trials, the Arky has proven itself as an invaluable component in Peace Keeping operations.

"….we wanted to have a platform that was versatile…. we wanted something that could act like an orbital ion cannon…. ….wanted something as sharp as a particle cannon…. ….not as messy as a bomber…. ….something that flies….. ….hovers too…. ….something more manouverable…. ….something to fly around in…. ….something to take home…."

In support of ground based operations the Arky can quickly and stealthily enter the engagement area, hover and deploy its main weapon (the Particle Cannon System – dual emplacement), then destroy heavily armoured vehicles or emplacements that are proving to be obstacles for the land based Peace Keeper units.

"….it’s gotta work in space too…."

X. Y. Z. Advanced aerospace engine technology, as well as advanced energy and projectile weapons systems, allow the Arky to undertake spacefaring missions and effectively operate in a four dimensional arena. As the dreadnought of the void it’s Particle Cannon System packs a punch.

"….room for the kids and shopping…."

The Arky has a flight crew of four and can carry (officially) four additional passengers with luggage. The flight crew consists of the Pilot, Systems I Operator, Systems II Operator and the Turret Man.

"….I like sitting in up the back…. ….it ain’t lonely…. ….i get to listen to music…. ….sometimes lectures and book tapes and if I fart the the others don’t complain…." – Flight Sergeant

"….seating was optional, but it wasn’t necesary. Inertial filters stop me from feeling the power, and as a passenger we’d be at our destination even before I could order a cuppa…. ….oh there’s no in flight catering?"

To provide aerospace superiority, the Arky Skylighter Gunship works with a squadron of "Mutdang" Fighters Attacking on the "Y" axis, often leaving the enemy commanders crying "Why?". Why indeed…

Original Concept:
A few years ago (more than five) I commenced building a "CarryAll" designed to ferry my APC’s and other vehicles to and from operational zones. That project was sidecrapped in a "Defence Force Needs Profile" and the design technology "Spinal Tap" was incorporated into this AeroSpace Weapons platform.

"Spinal Tap" technology is the name we’ve given to the structural integrity that forms the basis of the Arky’s (and the never-completed "CarryAll") design. Basically built so that you can hold it from any end, or on the VTOL engine pylons and it won’t break.

Ongoing Concept:
With the Arky completed and operational, I have thought of re-visiting my carryall project. Prior to doing so I will work on providing the arky with interchangable modules in place of the dual mounted Particle Cannon System (PCS) . Such modules may be:

– mobile armoury
– mobile science/research outpost
– mobile command post
– mobile medical facility
– other weapons systems

Troop Carrying Capacity:
A flight crew of four is all she needs. The additional Peace Keeper squad of four is optional.

The Arky was designed with AeroSpace Tactical Superiority in mind – not troop transport.

Personnel transport has been taken care of with my Elwood shuttles, built years prior to the commisioning of the Arky.

APAT Macrogun Multi-Direction Turrets:
Ahh the quad guns… There are ten of ’em pictured in this configuration. Four more can be deployed (classified).

Why so many you ask? Not to look mean, but rather a practical safe guard. This scencario was presented at Peace Keeper Command:

"…ready to attach an enemy target (a silo – filled with only ‘grain’ is what the media was told – yeah right…) the Arky would deploy the dual mounted PCS and commence firing…. but out of seemingly no-where enemy fighters are scrambled coming at the lone Arky from all directions… there is no immediate fighter support…

In this event the Arky can hold it’s own until its primary target is disabled or destroyed. The APAT’s cover the Arky’s blind spots.

Joriel "Joz" Jimenez
29th August 2007


“Arky” Skylighter Gunship by Joz
Image by Joriel “Joz” Jimenez
The "Arky" Skylighter Gunship was commissioned and built to provide the Commonwealth Peace Keeping Forces with battlefront support and superiority. Its design characteristics clearly show it’s relation to earlier Jozcorp productions incorporating structural profile, stability, armour and armament

In campaign trials, the Arky has proven itself as an invaluable component in Peace Keeping operations.

"….we wanted to have a platform that was versatile…. we wanted something that could act like an orbital ion cannon…. ….wanted something as sharp as a particle cannon…. ….not as messy as a bomber…. ….something that flies….. ….hovers too…. ….something more manouverable…. ….something to fly around in…. ….something to take home…."

In support of ground based operations the Arky can quickly and stealthily enter the engagement area, hover and deploy its main weapon (the Particle Cannon System – dual emplacement), then destroy heavily armoured vehicles or emplacements that are proving to be obstacles for the land based Peace Keeper units.

"….it’s gotta work in space too…."

X. Y. Z. Advanced aerospace engine technology, as well as advanced energy and projectile weapons systems, allow the Arky to undertake spacefaring missions and effectively operate in a four dimensional arena. As the dreadnought of the void it’s Particle Cannon System packs a punch.

"….room for the kids and shopping…."

The Arky has a flight crew of four and can carry (officially) four additional passengers with luggage. The flight crew consists of the Pilot, Systems I Operator, Systems II Operator and the Turret Man.

"….I like sitting in up the back…. ….it ain’t lonely…. ….i get to listen to music…. ….sometimes lectures and book tapes and if I fart the the others don’t complain…." – Flight Sergeant

"….seating was optional, but it wasn’t necesary. Inertial filters stop me from feeling the power, and as a passenger we’d be at our destination even before I could order a cuppa…. ….oh there’s no in flight catering?"

To provide aerospace superiority, the Arky Skylighter Gunship works with a squadron of "Mutdang" Fighters Attacking on the "Y" axis, often leaving the enemy commanders crying "Why?". Why indeed…

Original Concept:
A few years ago (more than five) I commenced building a "CarryAll" designed to ferry my APC’s and other vehicles to and from operational zones. That project was sidecrapped in a "Defence Force Needs Profile" and the design technology "Spinal Tap" was incorporated into this AeroSpace Weapons platform.

"Spinal Tap" technology is the name we’ve given to the structural integrity that forms the basis of the Arky’s (and the never-completed "CarryAll") design. Basically built so that you can hold it from any end, or on the VTOL engine pylons and it won’t break.

Ongoing Concept:
With the Arky completed and operational, I have thought of re-visiting my Carryall Project. Prior to doing so I will work on providing the Arky with interchangable modules in place of the dual mounted Particle Cannon System (PCS) . Such modules may be:

– mobile armoury
– mobile science/research outpost
– mobile command post
– mobile medical facility
– other weapons systems

Troop Carrying Capacity:
A flight crew of four is all she needs. The additional Peace Keeper squad of four is optional.

The Arky was designed with AeroSpace Tactical Superiority in mind – not troop transport.

Personnel transport has been taken care of with my Elwood shuttles, built years prior to the commisioning of the Arky.

APAT Macrogun Multi-Direction Turrets:
Ahh the quad guns… There are ten of ’em pictured in this configuration. Four more can be deployed (classified).

Why so many you ask? Not to look mean, but rather a practical safe guard. This scencario was presented at Peace Keeper Command:

"…ready to attack an enemy target (a silo – filled with only ‘grain’ is what the media was told – yeah right…) the Arky would deploy the dual mounted PCS and commence firing…. but out of seemingly no-where enemy fighters are scrambled coming at the lone Arky from all directions… there is no immediate fighter support…

In this event the Arky can hold it’s own until its primary target is disabled or destroyed. The APAT’s cover the Arky’s blind spots.

Joriel "Joz" Jimenez
29th August 2007


Categories: Gunships Helicopters

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