Realistic Flying in a Flight Simulator Aircraft

Software and technology are advancing so rapidly that with computer games such as a flight simulator game, users can get so completely lost in the realism of the game that they can easily be forgiven for forgetting its a game and thinking they are actually flying a real aircraft.

There is a huge array of aircraft to choose from these days in a flight simulator game. A user can choose from a passenger plane such as a Boeing 747, to a cargo plane, or, if combat is your thing, then you can choose to fly a military fighter jet or helicopter. All create a fantastic illusion of realism for the user.

If youve ever dreamt of flying but perhaps couldnt afford it, then this is a fantastic opportunity to feel what its like in the real thing. With flight simulator games being able to be downloaded off the internet directly onto your computer for way less than one hundred dollars what could you possibly be waiting for. Once downloaded youll be given the opportunity of choosing an aircraft to fly from over a hundred different models and different eras as well.
If you are terrified of flying a flight simulator game can be the way to overcome your fears as you get to learn how to fly your own aircraft and also how safe aircraft can be in all sorts of changeable weather.

Flight simulator aircraft allow you the opportunity of flying the very first 1907 Wright Brothers aircraft , through to the Douglas DC-3 to a later huge Boeing 747 to a selection of fighter combat aircraft like the MIG or F-111. But, it doesnt stop there there is also the Airbus, Air Ambulances, Helicopters and smaller aircraft like Cessnas and Pipers to choose from.

So, along with your choose of aircraft in the flight simulator game, comes the very realistic cockpit, or as they are known on simulators, as simpits. Here in the cockpit, youll find all the exact instruments, controls and dials, just like the real aircraft and most will be functioning as well.

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