Since it was developed in the early 1980s, MiG-29 fighter aircraft has been through what you can call a fantastic development for a light fighter to go through. It has opened a new epoch of development in the category of light fighter jets. Combining an unexceeded agile flight efficiency with a strong attack capability with middle- and short-range missiles, MiG-29 has set an unparalled benchmark standard for this class in the world.

With all its high-grade, heavy-duty features including integral aerodynamic layout, high-efficiency bypass turbojet engines, high combat survivability etc., it is surprising to know that it is engineered for a fairly easy operation when it comes to actually fly military aircraft.

The basic MiG 29 version is intended for missile blasts and destruction and for attacks through a built-in gun for all types of air targets in simple and adverse weather conditions in look-up and look-down including the jamming conditions. It makes use of rockets to destruct ground targets within the field of vision.

To train aircraft pilots in MiG-29 flight, a two-seater combat trainer, MiG-29UB, has been developed, which is serially produced on the basis of a one-seat combat fighter since 1985. This combat training jet is not installed with the airborne radar and is provided with simulation modes for the military pilots to practice the application of missiles.

MiG-29 aircraft is engineered with a structure rendered with high aircraft improvement capabilities, which has resulted into a number of updates and modifications with its technology. Modified MiG-29SE fighter, upgraded to have increased internal fuel, N019ME radar with a new computer, and an expanded fighter armament nomenclature and increased weapons load, has been supplied to some countries since the middle of 1990s. A full set of technical training aids is also developed to train the aircraft pilots on all modified MiG flight skills and capabilities.

RF Air Force has been operating MiG-29 aircraft as the main fighter since 1983. Several countries which have been supplied with MiG-29 aircrafts of different modifications have their national air force using these as the main type of a light front-line fighter.

The MiG-29 flight availability for civilian passengers has been one of the most exciting additions in jet flight ride entertainment options. Though started due to the financial problems of Gromov Flight Research Institute in the Russian city Zhukovsky, which doesnt sound a good reason, it ultimately came off to satisfy the civilians want to fly a jet fighter of very high standards.

A lot of MiG flights, including those of MiG-29, were stopped in July 2006, when civilian flights in MiG-29 and MiG-31 started from Nizhny Novgorod. To fly MiG is definitely a peerless combat-kind ride enjoyment civilians could have!

Author is an aviation specialist interested in arranging fighter jet flights for the individuals and business groups. The expert service he renders to the aviation industry has led him to write great articles focusing on jet fighters and share them with those who wish to fly MiG or other combative jet fighters. He specializes in writing about MiG flight and his MiG flight articles are of high interest for those who fly a jet fighter models.

Categories: Aircraft Structure

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