If you are a pilot or work in an aircraft maintenance shop you know that there are a lot of different aircraft tools that you can purchase and use to make repairs on a plane. Some of them you will absolutely need to have on hand while others will just make repairs easier so you don’t necessarily have to have the plane brought into the shop. When you have the right tools suddenly intricate repairs become much more straight forward.

One of the things that you should absolutely have on board an aircraft is an aircraft drill. These come in many different shapes and sizes but they are necessary for even the simplest repairs. Everything in a plane is bolted into place because a plane vibrates when in the air. If things weren’t bolted down the plane would literally vibrate until it fell apart. For this reason, if you want to repair or replace anything you will need an aircraft drill. Like typical drills, these come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, powers, and colors. Most pilots choose a smaller drill to carry with them on the plane while others are kept for use when the plane is grounded in an airport or repair shop.

One of the best investments for airports and maintenance crews is an aircraft GPU. A GPU is a ground power unit, they are also called portable ground power unit. These are great to have because you can perform repairs when you might not have been able to otherwise. The great thing about these units is that you can have power at the plane when you need it. No need to move the plane into the shop, no need to find that 600 food extension cord, now you can just roll the GPU up to the plane and get to work. Most airports consider the GPU a necessity as do repair shops.

This allows for repairs to take place any time, and just about anywhere. Some aircrafts even have their own GPU on board so that repairs can take place even if an emergency landing has had to take place.

You may not even realize all of the tools that are out there for aircrafts. If you are a pilot or you work on a maintenance team you should definitely start shopping around to see what is out there. There are new tools coming out all the time that make the care of the aircraft much easier and less labor intensive. Knowing what is out there will allow you to have all of the tools that you need to make any and all repairs that you need to make, the moment that you need to make them!

Caitlina Fuller is a freelance writer. If you are a pilot or work in an aircraft maintenance shop you know that there are a lot of different aircraft tools that you can purchase and use to make repairs on a plane. For this reason, if you want to repair or replace anything you will need an aircraft drill.

Categories: Aircraft Pilots

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