If you are one of those who consider a new career in aviation in this economic crisis, then you may want to consider the fact that these days that sector does not need a lot of hiring. The FAA, of course, lacks air traffic controllers and always could you start a small service business business washing aircraft. If being self-employed is what you want, this can be a good option.


Having been in the aircraft cleaning business some 27-years, I know all the questions start-up entrepreneurs ask about airplane washing. For instance; “How much business is there for detailing/polishing with the economy still so soft?”


Yes, good point, indeed demand has weakened significantly during the current recession and yes, general aviation has taken a hard hit. Worse many politicians and even our President are out attacking corporate jet use. This has cost at least 10,000 manufacturing jobs in the aviation sector and slowed the growth of general aviation to a negative growth rate.


If you are thinking about washing planes you must also consider the competition, so another frequently asked question is; “Who is your competition and how are your products and services superior to theirs?”


Most of our competition is people like you, some airports have folks that have been doing business for years, and they have a significant foothold. And there is a lot of politics at local airports. For instance in NJ there is a lot of payola, it’s quite disgusting, but that’s how they do it, so you have to play if you want that business.


So, let’s say you start your business and you want to increase sales, well, you might ask another common question; “How often do you recommend the aircraft be detailed?”


We don’t and it depends on the paint, where they park it; in or out doors and the region of the country.

If an aircraft needs it, our teams slip a notice in the bill at the end of the month.


Please consider all these questions before you start your plane detailing business and think about what question you might have. Just like flying at night VFR, don’t start into something until you can see what is out there. Think on this.


Lance Winslow – Lance Winslow’s Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/.

Categories: Aircraft Control

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