Learning to fly is a dream that many people harbor mainly because of the sense of freedom that gives you and the utter exhilaration of being able to soar above the clouds. Fortunately, this is not an unattainable dream. If you want it bad enough, you can make it happen. There are several flight training schools all over the world where you can learn the basics of how to fly. Which school you choose will depend upon the type of aircraft you wish to fly as well as your financial constraints. While each pilot training school may have its own distinct syllabus and course duration, all flying programs will essentially consist of three basic components:


1.   Ground school

2.   Flight simulator

3.   Actual flight training



Ground school will almost always be the very first part of any flight training school. It is during this phase that you will be taught the theoretical aspect of flying and all the basic and detailed theory that you will need to know before you take to the skies. This is essentially a classroom setting where you will have to learn aerodynamics, telemetry, geography, flight mechanics, vectors, physics and geometry. Having in-depth knowledge and understanding of mathematics and physics is a must.


After you have gained mastery of the theory, you move to the next step, which is the flight simulator. This is a replica of the real thing. It has everything that a real aircraft has by way of the controls and fittings. This phase of the pilot training teaches you to control the aircraft in a safe and controlled environment and gets you ready for the next phase, which will be taking to the skies in an actual aircraft.

Learning to fly in a flight simulator poses little risk to the trainee pilot and facilitates flight training in a safe environment.


Once you have mastered the controls in the flight simulator phase, you are now ready for the real thing. Here is where all the theory and the simulated flying training will be put to the test as you take your very first test flight accompanied by a test instructor. At first the flights will be short as you gain experience with handling a real aircraft and especially getting the hang of taking off and landing the aircraft. There will always be an instructor by your side for the first few flights.  You can get your student pilot certificate only if you pass this phase of the flight training program.

Once you have your student pilot certificate, you will find that it will have opened up a whole new world of opportunities for you, from flying private planes for amusement to becoming pilot for a commercial airliner.


You can apply for and obtain higher certifications while also working on building up your flying hours. Both of these will help you fly higher faster than you ever imagined.  In order to ensure that your dreams do come true, it is important to first ensure that you choose the right flight training school.

Dreaming of becoming a pilot? A good Flight Training school can make all your dreams come true. If you’d like to get some more Pilot training information, Check out Flight Learnings.

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