Warplanes: The Part Time Praetorian
November 24, 2013: The Italian manufacturer of the 28 ton C-27J transport is building a gunship version called the MC-27J Praetorian. This would equip the twin-engine aircraft with an automatic cannon (probably 30mm), night vision sensors, laser …
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Hyperspace Beacon: Should you subscribe for SWTOR Galactic Starfighter?
Lastly, I want to touch on another unique idea from Galactic Starfighter: gunships. In first-person shooters, the idea of a stationary high-damage sniper is far from unique, but Galactic Starfighter might be the first flight simulator to employ a …
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What it looks like to be aboard an AC-130 gunship during a live fire exercise
The Lockheed AC-130U Spooky gunships are not to be trifled with and neither are the crew. Armed with a 25mm GAU-12 Equalizer that can rain down 1,800 rounds per minute, a Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft autocannon, and a 105mm M102 Howitzer that drops …
Read more on Guns.com

Categories: Gunships Helicopters

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