An organization considering an Austin colocation center would do well to consider whether the facility has been built from the groundup or has been re-purposed. A purpose-built facility vs. a retrofitted facility is an important consideration. If the building has been built purposefully to serve as adata center, your business will have an important advantage in your IT infrastructure.

In a structure built from the ground up,every aspect is carefully designed and planned for, including support for industry trends and advances in technology. An older converted warehouse or large building may not have the structural integrity that your business model needs in an Austin colocation center.  


Building a secure Austin colocation facility with the power, redundancy and carrier access that your organization needs is an expensive proposition for the owners, but it is a better, more reliable choice for you. This means the provider has made the commitment and a heavy up-front investment to create a flexible, scalable Austin colocation center.This only benefits your organization in the end. This type of facility gives you the competitive edge that comes from concentrating fully on your business instead of your IT infrastructure.

You are therefore relieved of constant IT headaches like worrying about natural and man-made disasters, power outages, and security. Austin colocationfacilities provide the most redundancies, as everything has been planned for without tradeoffs. All of this ensuresfuture-proof reliability with minimal technicalrisks.

An Austin colocation facility built from the ground up is scalable and customizable to exactly meet your organization’s needs.

The building is designed to shift spaceto accommodate your changing requirements. This type of Austin colocation center will never be obsolete, as it is built to anticipate future technological developments.


Retrofitted data centers are often constrainedby their physical limitations, power feeds, and cooling capacities. They often reach a point where expansion and modernization is no longer possible. In addition, an older building may not be able to support redundant power feeds because its cooling capabilities can’t be upgraded on demand. Plus, the electrical systems could be outdated, the building could be vulnerable to natural disasters, or there could beissues with insufficient privacy.


Peace of mind comes from knowing that your Austin colocation facility offers every possible facet and feature to support your IT infrastructure. The foundation is made of reinforced concrete. The walls are tornado proof. The sewer and water systems are brand new and unlikely to fail. The roof is designed to shelter your equipment at all times. An Austin colocation facility is hooked into power grids, substations and in all other ways redundant to provide 100 percent uptime. The cooling system is top-notch and back-upsare in place. The center connects your equipment to multiple carriers with no loss of connectivity, ensuring a secure, reliable network.

Austin colocation operations flow smoothly, costs are contained, and your organization has a smooth path to expansion if needed. These are all extremely important considerations when choosing an Austin colocation center for your IT needs.

The author has an immense knowledge on Austin Colocation. Learn more about Austin Colocation visit

Nate Chase, of Red Cedar Technology, discusses a project with ST Aerospace that involved optimization of a composite aircraft design using HEEDS MDO software.
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