Structural insulated panels are a combination of building materials. They consist of a sandwich of two layers of structural board with a layer of foam insulation between the two. The Committee may sheet or Oriented Strand Board and the foam either expanded polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene or rigid polyurethane foam. Structural Insulated Panels have become a widely used alternative construction material for homes and other buildings now a day.
The fundamental design concept for SIPs is pleasing to the eye in its simplicity, and offers several advantages for constructing walls and roofs. SIPs provide better overall air tightness and practical thermal performance than conventionally framed walls.
Structural insulated panels provides much higher resistance value than the traditional wood frame homes built in the past and that will result in significant savings over the course of the year for the family living. The construction using structural insulated panels is very straight forward. There is a learning curve involved in it and is still easier for building homes using familiar methods.
Connection design for steel structures:
Connection design is an important aspect in the design of steel structures that is often overlooked by structural engineers and detailers because of lots of requirements in connection design. Information on connection for non-seismic steel structures will be presented in a way that will be useful to engineers and detailers.
The type and amount of information that is required to properly specify the connection design for a structural steel project can be quite complex depending on the type of structure being built.
The current design method for steel structure connection is traditional for two reasons. First, the connection capacity is calculated based on an elastic analysis and second, the additional strength of the portion of the tension is not accounted for connection design.
There are lots of connection designs services providers available in market today and they are providing these services at affordable rates. So, outsourcing is the best option available for structural insulated panels design and connection design for steel structure.
James Soul is certified structural engineer at structural drafting design – a leading outsource structural engineering services Provider Company. It provides cost effective services to its offshore clients based in US, UK, Canada and Australia. For further details visit us at or email us at:
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